
Founded in 2011 and re-launched in 2022, thecreativeverse space is dedicated to us – to re-igniting our mighty creativity, humanity, leadership, brilliance and power.

Our mission: To build a community of powerful, whole-hearted human beings, leaders, and creators, passionate about making positive, creative change in these challenging times.

Nothing is more important during these chaotic but transformative times, than the most powerful, whole-hearted expression of the real US/YOU/ME!

About the Author – Carmen:


Carmen is an Army veteran, writer, speaker, futurist, life-long learner, and knowledge-seeker.

With 21 years of career experience in the U.S Army working in the United States and overseas, Carmen is professionally skilled in a number of areas with primary expertise in financial management, leadership, communications, strategy, project management and change management.

She is passionate about fulfilling her highest, most creative potential and supporting others in fulfilling theirs.

Read Here: My Personal Story - Reclaiming My Creative Power (Again)

Fueled by Creativity, Magic and Adventure

As a youngster, I loved using my imagination. Deeply connected to my heart and soul (as kids are), I was inspired by a world I saw as full of magic and potential, creativity and adventure. The blank page, the blank canvas was exciting to me – all the things I could create fueled my imagination and excitements. I was an avid reader and loved magical, creative stories like James and the Giant Peach, Ramona Quimby and so many others. Like most kids, I saw potential, possibility and creativity everywhere. I was highly curious and artistic, I loved day-dreaming new inventions, writing stories and exploring my intuition. I was active and loved playing sports and spending time in nature. Despite having a troubled childhood, I had an abundance of inner optimism and was excited for a world I saw as full of opportunities. I couldn’t wait to grow up and make a positive impact in the world – the many things I would create and the many adventures I would have!

A Disconnected, Hardened Self

But as it happens for many of us, somewhere along the way, I lost that inner spark for life. Years of unhealed traumas and wounds from my childhood, combat tours, and life, overburdened my heart. And the older I got, the more cold, jaded and detached from life (and my true self) I became. Until at some point, to protect myself, I completely disconnected from my more vulnerable creative, intuitive side, and instead chose to completely focus on what I felt was safer, my more logical, intellectual side.

Already wounded and now disconnected within, I stopped seeing the possibilities and the potentials to thrive like I used to, and only saw the struggle, the fear, and the need to just survive. I sadly stopped trusting my powerful creativity and intuition, and became a chronic over-thinker and perfectionist, highly defensive, suspicious and critical of everyone and everything. Absent deep healing and a solid connection to my creative side I burnt out, and became an unyielding, hardened version of my former self. And with the spirit and warmth inside me near extinguished, the colorful, exciting world I couldn’t wait to experience and create within, turned cold and empty before my eyes. The magic and the adventure for life, was gone.

Healing, Rebirth and Moving Forward

Still, even as I experienced the darkest of days, I somehow trusted that with enough inner work, I would find a way to heal and reclaim my true self, inner power and purpose again. Which I’m immensely proud I’ve done and continue doing. Because along the way, I gained incredibly powerful, hard-earned wisdom, insights, lessons learned, and new perspectives which I’m excited and called to share with whoever needs it. 

Why thecreativeverse?

The creativeverse space is dedicated to sharing how to reclaim the powerful potential and creative spirit within, and express it out into the world as the authentic, impactful beings we’re meant to be. It is after all, our power and ability as humans to change, to grow, to love and to reinvent ourselves, that will lead us to better times both individually and collectively, in this powerfully transformative era. That is, if we can learn to tap into and reclaim our power.

Our world is changing fast, and we have a grand opportunity to make lasting change for the benefit of ourselves and for the benefit of all. But to become the powerful leaders and creators we’re meant to be, we need to put in the work, in ourselves – to build our own personal power and in each other – to build our collective, people power. From that point of strength, as creators rather than victims, we can reclaim the best of what we have to offer. And creatively, build the best world possible for all, in this mighty era of historic change.

We are in the midst of what I call Earth 2.0 – the grand transition and transformation of our civilization this century. If we hope to thrive during these chaotic, challenging but also powerfully transformative times, we must reconnect with ALL of our superpowers. Especially the creative, heart-based superpowers that lie within us all.

So if you’re being called as I am, to become the most powerful version of yourself you can be, then you’re in the right place. Thank you for joining us as we continue to grow, evolve and create powerful change together.

~ Carmen