Humanity First (Part I) – The Cost of Fear

It’s exactly in these turbulent times of massive change and chaos, that it’s more important than ever, to choose our humanity first. Read more in Part I below.

Change is Inevitable 

Two basic rules of life are: 1. Change is inevitable, and 2. …  ~ W. Edwards Deming, Composer and Economist

We’ve shared in our HTTE series, the tremendous, historic era of change we’re in now and the dramatic cycle of Transition we find ourselves in. Just take a few minutes to observe the world around you, and you can start to see (if you haven’t already) that every aspect of life is being challenged by change.  We are starting to recognize that our deeply imbalanced, entrenched current state of affairs – our status quo, can no longer sustain or meet the demands of our advancing, evolving 21st century civilization. In other words, we’re outgrowing our current systems – fast. We’re changing so rapidly, our current structures can no longer sustain a population that is becoming more diverse, more inter-connected, more conscious, more technologically-advanced, more inclusive and more globally-aware than ever before. Which makes this era equally potentially exciting and dynamic, as it is incredibly challenging and difficult.

This tremendous change upon us, is the reason why we stand collectively at a major crossroads. One path represents our existing state, “old business as usual” which in many areas has become toxic, lacks progress and we’re quickly out-growing, and the other path, represents evolution – an innovative, inclusive, new direction that moves us into a new era.

And it’s in this crossroads, in this transition period, as we overlap between the old and the new, that we find the greatest chaos, confusion and turmoil across the globe. Because while it is becoming clear beyond a doubt, that change is drastically needed and the status quo no longer fits our evolving narrative, many of us still resist change – fiercely. And in this resistance, many in our collective drive the very chaos and confusion we are now experiencing.

Everybody Resists Change – The Pitfall of Emotional Attachment

…. and 2. Everybody resists change. ~ W. Edwards Deming, Composer and Economist

In our Transition post, we shared the profound challenge of attachment in times of change, especially emotional attachment. Emotional attachment is the emotional connection we receive from being attached … to people, relationships, identity, beliefs, definitions, status, institutions, etc. because of the bond it provides.

As humans, our attachments are necessary and a healthy part of life. They provide us with feelings of safety, protection, a sense of belonging, comfort, validation, etc. However, when it comes to change, our attachments can be blockers of growth and progress when they are so deeply ingrained, that we fear letting them go when it’s time, ultimately resisting any and all growth and evolution.

Today, we see the challenges of this deeply ingrained emotional attachment on parts of our collective. On one hand, we have the part of our collective that is led by growth and evolution. This group understands the historic nature of our times, and is open and able to ride the overdue cycles of change, letting go of the attachments that have met their time or we’ve outgrown. This group is emotionally driven by progress, and leads the charge for change – actively seeking accountability, actively purging old cycles and creating new structures for the times. Then we have those in the middle, who are apathetic or unaware a major cycle of change is underway. This group is deeply conditioned and perpetuates the status quo as if on auto-pilot. Their emotional attachment and loyalty is to existing foundations whether they’re beneficial for them or not. This group is focused on following and maintaining what is, as it is, and is not interested in “rocking the boat” or going deeper than what they see on the surface. And then on the other hand, we have the group led by fear and control. This explosive group is fiercely attached to the way things are. They’re aware of the cycles of change and intensely afraid of how the upcoming cycles will negatively impact their worldview, their status and/or privilege. As a result, this group will actively seek to maintain some or all of the status quo at all costs. In trying to control outcomes, this group will do everything they can to actively block and obstruct change through conflict, greed, and violence and may in some cases, attempt to push us backwards as a way to secure the status quo even further.

These splits in our collective consciousness are why Transition is one of the most challenging, painful, and emotionally distressing cycles of change we will undergo as a collective and why our humanity is needed most, right now. Not necessarily because the change upon us is difficult to manage, but because of what the cost of fear will do to us.

The Cost of Fear

Human beings are members of a whole, in creation of one essence and soul. … If you have no sympathy for human pain, the name of human you cannot retain. ~ Sa’adi, Persian Poet

As we proceed forward through the massive challenges inherent in our current transitional period, preserving and safeguarding our humanity will be the primary challenge of our time. Primarily because those groups who lean into fear and apathy, will be more than willing to sacrifice their humanity as long as it guarantees their attachments to the status quo remain unchanged. And this is the true cost of fear, the loss of what makes us humans so special in the first place – our ability to love, our empathy, compassion, and our connection to something greater in ourselves and each other. To sacrifice our humanity for the sake of fear, is to sacrifice everything that gives life true meaning as we  Our conne and that is the highest prices of all.

Today, we can this loss of connection with humanity manifest globally. We can see the parts of our collective led by fear and apathy strengthen their efforts towards oppressing others – banning, obstructing, and controlling anything that introduces accountability and advancement. We can see continued efforts to retain toxic and crumbling systems and foundations whether they remain beneficial or not as a way to maintain the “safe” status quo. We can see an increase in violent war conflicts around the world, as some entrenched leaders attempt last-ditch efforts to retain power or gain more control, leading to devastating loss of life. And we see it in increased efforts to control and restrict the fundamental freedoms and liberties of others, especially those who have the courage to stand proudly as who they are. It is hard to control a populace that empowers themselves by being their own unique and individual selves.

This transitional period is expected to be tumultuous and challenging because it triggers powerful “emotions” in all of us, and uncovers potent emotional attachments we probably never knew we had. Making this period of massive change less about logic, and more about the heart, and the emotions and attachments that drive us.

Understanding this, rather than allow this transitional period to destroy our collective inside and out, we can take the time to become aware of the energies at play and take smart action to unite rather than divide. And to choose the higher path vs the lower path we’ve all been accustomed to for so long.

This era and these times, promise to deliver tremendous advancement and growth or, tremendous pain and turmoil. Which path we experience is up to us and what we choose collectively. Choose the path of fear and pay the price, or choose the path of humanity first and stay true to who we truly are.

Check out our Part II!

~ Love, Carmen